Morphofunctional and Metabolic Alterations after Orchiectomy

Peertechz Journal of Biological Research and Development
Case Report
Objective: To verify alterations in lipid profile, blood glucose and pressure, and morphological aspects of the adrenal gland in animals with hypogonadism secondary to total bilateral epididymectomy and orchiectomy. Methods: Young and adult male Wistar rats were distributed into the following groups: Group 1 – control, animals submitted only to scrotal incision and suture. Group 2 – animals submitted to total bilateral epididymectomy and orchiectomy. After these operations, studies were carried out to analyze possible repercussions of hypogonadism. In Study A, serum levels of free testosterone were measured, along with the body weight and cortical thickness of the adrenal gland of 30 adult rats. In Study B, serum values of glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol, and HDL, LDL and VLDL fractions were measured in 20 young rats and 10 adult rats. In Study C, pressure of the caudal artery was measured by plethysmography in 24 adult animals.


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