Clinical and Functional Outcomes of Sensitizer-Induced Asthma in Bakers and Cotton Workers after Removal from Exposure

Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Care
Research Article
Introduction. Sensitizer-induced occupational asthma (OA) has significant health and socioeconomic outcomes in affected subjects. Objective. To evaluate clinical and functional outcomes of sensitizer-induced OA in bakers and cotton workers three to five years after cessation of exposure to the offending workplace agent. Methods. We studied 16 patients with sensitizer-induced OA (10 bakers and 6 textile workers), eight males and eight females, aged 32 to 48 years. All study subjects completed a questionnaire and underwent spirometric measurements and metacholine challenge, in the same manner as at the time of diagnosis. The findings obtained were compared with findings registered at the time of diagnosis.


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