The Effects of Substance Abuse Following Personal Injury: Five Case Studies from a Medico-Legal Context

Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science

Case Report

The Effects of Substance Abuse Following Personal Injury: Five Case Studies from a Medico-Legal Context

The purpose of this paper is to describe the multivariate effects of compensable injury on addictive behaviors, especially in relation to substance abuse. Five case studies are broken down into (a) post-accident addiction and (b) pre-accident addiction. These vignettes indicate that within a personal injury the problem of substance use or abuse is hardly independent of other factors. It is linked to pre-accident factors as well as post-accident adjustment. Links with personality disorder and criminal behaviour are also documented. Substance abuse following accident or injury does not occur in a personal or social vacuum. The influence of pre-accident addiction is stressed. It is argued that a generalised theory of addiction in relation to personal injury is not sustainable and that it applies across a wide spectrum of injuries but a hypothesised model may find inferential value.


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