International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science

Case Report

Rehabilitation of Surgically Resected Soft Palate with Interim Velopharyngeal Obturator

Rehabilitation of surgical resection defects is always a challenging clinical scenario. These defects
pose a major physiological and psychological threat not only to the patients, but to the entire family. A
multidisciplinary team approach, thorough investigation, long term follow up, proper counselling and
sympathetic attitude may help to bring these suffering patients back to normal life stream. Recent
advancements in Dental Materials, CAD CAM, Laser Technology and Ossseo integrated Implants
have revolutionized the treatment outcomes. However in certain clinical case scenarios, conventional
prosthodontic principles and routinely available materials are still the gold standards. This case report
presents the prosthodontic rehabilitation of soft palate after surgical resection due to adenoid cystic cell



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