Archives of Renal Diseases and Management

Research Article

Clinical Significance of Hilar Hyalinosis in Glomeruli of Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome

Introduction: Hilar hyalinosis (HH) of glomeruli has been thought for a long time to be a precursor
or a variant of focal glomerulosclerosis (FGS). In view of its implications on treatment and prognosis
of nephrotic syndrome, a retrospective study of hilar hyalinosis in children with the idiopathic nephrotic
syndrome (INS), but without any other histologic evidence of FGS, was performed to determine the
clinic-pathologic significance of this lesion.
Methods: A total of 92 Children with INS who had kidney biopsies for frequent relapses, steroid
dependency or resistance were included. Eight of them had a biopsy-proven diagnosis of either
minimal change disease or mild IgM nephropathy with HH in 6-25% of glomeruli were compared to
control group consisting of 84 children with either minimal change disease (n=57) or IgM nephropathy

(n=27) but without HH.


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