Article Nutritional Supplementation in HIVInfected Children: A Review

Journal of HIV for Clinical and Scientific Research


Article Nutritional Supplementation in HIVInfected Children: A Review

The nutritional status of HIV-infected children in terms of anthropometric indices and micronutrient concentrations is commonly compromised. Malnutrition is a risk factor for mortality at initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The role of HAART is pivotal in the management of HIV-infected children. Treatment with HAART has been shown to decrease mortality and improve CD4 counts and reduce viral load. HAART has beneficial effects on the nutritional status as well. However, children who are severely malnourished have an increased risk of mortality when initiating HAART. A number of studies have thus assessed whether supplementation with macronutrients and micronutrients would improve the nutritional status and reduce morbidity and mortality in these children.


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