Peertechz's Policy on word count

Purpose of word count limit
Peertechz urges the prominent writers or authors to not only concern with what words to use but also how many words. In Peertechz word count is not a rule but a specified guideline on what length of manuscript is acceptable for submission and publication.
Word count is the number of words in a manuscript submitted or to be submitted in the Peertechz’s online journals. Writing according to specified word limits is a skill required to set appropriate assessment outcomes. A word limit for manuscripts give a clear indication of the maximum length of a piece of assessed written work, the amount of work expected and therefore how much detail an author should go into and how they should allocate time to one piece of assessed work in relation to the others.
What is included in the word count?
Word count includes everything in the main body of text including heading, tables, citations, quotes, lists etc. However the list of reference, appendices and footnotes are not included in the word count.


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