Co-Administration of PPV23 and Influenza Vaccines in England and Wales: A Study Based on the Royal College of General Practitioners Sentinel Surveillance Network

Journal of Vaccines and Immunology

Research Article

Background: Pneumococcal disease is an infection caused by a bacterium called Streptococcus pneumonia which can lead to life-threatening invasive pneumococcal diseases. In the UK, pneumococcal vaccination is targeted at those most at risk of serious disease: infants, older people and those with risk factors. It has been proposed that PPV23 be co-administered with influenza vaccine during seasonal vaccination to maximize uptake. This study aimed to estimate 1) the UK prevalence of pneumococcal risk co-morbidities 2) corresponding pneumococcal vaccine administration rates 3) rates of vaccination co-administration and 4) frequency of pneumococcal revaccination. Methods: To gather evidence on current vaccination practice in the UK and to quantify the rates of co-administration of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination, data was collected from general practices in the Royal College of General Practitioners sentinel surveillance network. To estimate the frequency of pneumococcal revaccination, the records of all persons vaccinated from 2010-2012 were examined and persons were counted according to the number of prior vaccine doses received since 2004.


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