Maternal Morbidities and Perinatal Outcomes of Delivery in Women with Preterm Prelabor Rupture of the Membranes (PPROM)

Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics
Research Article
Objective: This study was done to evaluate the maternal morbidities and perinatal outcomes
of delivery in women with preterm pre-labor rupture of the membranes who delivered before and after 34 week along a period of five years in Al-Arish General Hospital.
Methods: This retrospective study involved pregnant women with a singleton pregnancy
who suffered from preterm pre-labor rupture of the membranes. Maternal morbidities included chorioamnionitis and febrile reaction, umbilical cord prolapse, and puerperal pyrexia, while, neonatal outcomes comprised neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission as in case of

neonatal sepsis or respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal jaundice, or eventual mortality.
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