Immunohistochemical Analysis and Pathological Assessment of B-Cbl Proto-Oncogene in Gastric Carcinoma Cells

Peertechz Journal of Cytology and Pathology
Research Article
Objective: In order to study the status and the expression of Cbl-b onco-protein in gastric
carcinoma we underwent an immunohistochemical protocol by which we analyzed the immunodistribution as well as the level of Cbl-b expression on gastric cancerous tissues.
Material and method: Ninety-six (96) paraffin blocks of cancerous gastric tissues sections
were collected from the Department of pathology, of Oran Military Hospital (Western Algeria) for the period of 2006-2015. All the cases were identified histologically as malignant gastric cells. An immunohistochemical protocol to analyze the expression of Cbl-b in gastric cancerous tissues.
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