Reproducibility of Endometrial Volume by VOCAL in the Prediction of Success Rate of IVF/ICSI in Women with Unexplained Infertility

Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics
Research Article
Objective: To explore the role of estimating endometrial volume by Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCAL) and it’s correlation with endometrial thickness, on the day of hCG, in prediction of IVF/ICSI success. Patients and Methods: It was a prospective study that was carried out at Al-Amin Maternity Hospital, Saudi Arabia. Endometrial thickness and volume were measured in women undergoing an IVF/ICSI cycle, on the day of HCG, using the 3D transvaginal ultrasound probe. Women were divided as regards to endometrial volume calculated into 3 subgroups; < 3ml, 3-5ml, and >5ml, also according to endometrial thickness into 3 groups; <7mm, 7-12mm and >12mm. Success rate of IVF/ICSI was compared between all groups. Results: The current study included 150 consented women with no significant difference in clinicdemographic characteristics between all subgroups. The pregnancy rates between the three groups of endometrial volume; <3ml, 3-5ml, and >5 ml was; 28.6%, 29.9% and 25% respectively. Pregnancy rates between the three groups of endometrial thickness was 18.2%, 25.5% and 43.3% for <7mm, 7-12and >12mm respectively. There was no significant difference in pregnancy rates between all groups in relation to both endometrial volume and endometrial thickness. Conclusions: Endometrial thickeness on day of hCG is a better predictor of success rate of IVF/ ICSI cycles than endometrial volume. 


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