Successful Treatment of Stomal Variceal Bleeding with Percutaneous Injection Sclerotherapy

Archives of Clinical Gastroenterology

Case Report

Bleeding from ectopic varices is often massive and fatal with portal hypertension, and stomal
varices can occur in patients with stoma. We aimed to treat a hepatitis B surface antigen positive 69
year-old male with liver cirrhosis associated hepatocellular carcinoma with bleeding stomal varices
using percutaneous injection sclerotherapy. Percutaneous injection sclerotherapy was performed under
fluoroscopy using 5% ethanolamine oleate with iopamidol (EOI) with a 25 gauge disposable injection
needle; 5ml of 5% EOI were injected gradually. Injection sclerotherapy controlled acute bleeding in this patient without serious complication. The patient experienced no further episodes of bleeding during the 8 months following treatment with percutaneous injection sclerotherapy. In conclusion, percutaneous injection sclerotherapy remains an option for the treatment of patients with bleeding stomal varices.


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