Comparison of Serum Soluble Corin Levels among Stroke Subtypes

Journal of Neurology, Neurological Science and Disorders

Research Article 

Background: Serum soluble corin was decreased not only in some cardiac diseases, but also in stroke. Cardiogenic sources play a critical role in ischemic stroke. Serum soluble corin level in stroke subtypes has not been studied. Here we aimed to study corin level in 4 stroke subtypes: hemorrhagic, thrombotic, embolic and lacunar stroke. Methods: 116 hemorrhagic stroke, 320 thrombotic stroke patients, 48 embolic stroke patients and 102 lacunar stroke patients were studied. Serum soluble corin was measured and some conventional risk factors of stroke were collected. We compared corin level among different types of stroke in men and women respectively.


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