Transposable Elements in Fungi: A Genomic Approach

Scientific Journal of Genetics and Gene Therapy

Figure 1: Structure of the major transposable elements found in the genome of fungi. In 1, the class I: LTR-Gypsy (A) and LTR-Copia (B) with their respective coding regions. The pol region contains the PR (protease), RT (reverse transcriptase), RH (RNase H) and IN (integrase) domains. The LTRs (Long Terminal Repeats) are indicated by wide arrows. Gypsy and Copia differ in the order of the regions that encode the reverse transcriptase and the integrase within the pol region. In 2, the class II is represented by Tc1-Mariner (C). The TIRs (Terminal Inverted Repeats) are indicated by small arrows.


Transposable Elements in Fungi: A Genomic Approach


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