Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome with Vitiligo, Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia and Autoimmune Dermoepidermal Bullous Dermatosis

International Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research

Symblepharon of the left eye.


Multiple auto-immune syndrome is defined by the coexistence of at least three different autoimmune diseases. Immune genetic predisposition and abnormalities of humeral and cell-mediated immunity seems to be implicated in their genesis. In this observation, we describe a combination of three autoimmune diseases in the same patient namely vitiligo evolving since childhood, autoimmune dermo epidermal bullous dermatosis and autoimmune thrombocytopenia. The discovery of such associations may limit the therapeutic arsenal. And temporal sequence indicates that long-term surveillance of these patients is necessary to watch the occurrence of another autoimmune disease.


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