International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science

Research Article

Treatment-assessment of Zygoma-tripod, -quadripod, -arch and Orbital floor Fractures in the Elderly Patient: Results of a Longitudinal Clinical Study of 20 years (1995-2015) with 1318 Patients in a General Traumatology-department and Evidence-based Treatment Suggestions

The ever growing population of elderly patients aged 70 years and onwards are prone to facial injuries caused by a general degrading medical and mental state. Main cause for zygoma-tripod, -quadripod, -arch and orbital floor fractures are falls, followed by traffic accidents and only to a small extent violence. Surgical reduction for these types of fractures is recommended but not correlated to the general medical and mental state of this patient-group. Aim of the study was to compare the outcomes of surgical treatment versus non-surgical observation.



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