Global Journal of Anesthesiology Research Article Efficiency of Intranasal Fentanyl in Patients with Breakthrough Cancer Pain in Daily Practice - Results of the German Non-Interventional Study with Instanyl® (GENISIS) Scores for maximum intensity of breakthrough cancer pain (NRS11; 0=no pain, 10=worst pain conceivable) at the time of enrollment (baseline, left), prior use (middle), and at the maximum effect of intranasal fentanyl spray (right). Columns indicate mean scores; error bars represent standard deviation, trapezoids the corresponding medians. Parameters shown at the bottom of each column are the mean (95% confidence intervals) for each group of breakthrough cancer pain episodes.
Showing posts from October, 2014
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Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Research Article Coronary Risk Estimation according to the Framingham-Wilson Score and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Adult Subjects from Maracaibo city, Venezuela Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Fasting Glucose. Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study, 2014.
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Research Article Relationship between BMI, PSA and Histopathological Tumor Grade in a Caucasian Population Affected by Prostate Cancer Prevalence of subjects with low, medium and high POGS in the three classes of BMI. *All p <0.05; # p<0,0001 for POGS <5 vs POGS 6-7 and POGS >8; ¥ p<0.0001 for POGS >8 vs POGS <5 and POGS 6-7.
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Journal of Vaccines and Immunology Editorial Nanoparticles Vaccines Now and Future! While the advanced use of effective vaccines has had an extraordinary impact on global health, there remain many diseases for which vaccines are not available. The concept of therapeutic infection vaccines is based on the activation of the immune system against infection after the presentation of microbes' antigens to provide long-term protection against an infection.
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Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Editorial Exercise Echocardiography in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a relatively frequent genetic disease that affects 1/500 human beings. Main problems with this disease are the development of symptoms in 10-20% of affected individuals, and the increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in a subset of patients with the disease. It is important to clarify the cause of symptoms and to assess the risk of sudden death in HCM because we do have therapies to relief these problems.
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Case Report Angiokeratoma in Fabry Disease: Diagnostic but not Treatment Effectiveness Marker Fabry disease (FD) is a rare X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding the lysosomal enzyme α-galactosidase A (α -Gal A). The resulting deficient α -Gal A activity leads to progressive accumulation of glycosphingolipids, predominantly globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) in the lysosomes of many different cell types throughout the body [1]. The manifestations of this complex metabolic disease are progressive and multysistemic, culminating in life-threatening renal, cardiac and cerebrovascular manifestations [2].
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Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Research Article Breath Acetone as Biomarker for Lipid Axidation and Early Ketone Detection Comparison of urine, blood, and breath ketone measurements. Simultaneous measurements were performed using standard commercial equipment, SIFT-MS for breath acetone, capillary blood monitor for blood glucose, and dipsticks for urinary ketones (see experimental section). The ketone levels (keto level) were normalized by the highest ketone level measured within the corresponding method.
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Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences Editorial Who we are? It's my privilege and honor to write the editorial of a newly enterprising title "Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences (IJCMS)." "Peertechz" has done an excellent work again. We are already enamored by an overwhelming response from various authors throughout the globe. Again I will say it's just the beginning of a new endeavor.
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Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science Editorial Reward Deficiency Solution System (RDS): A Tale of Three Scientists Prior to 1990 there was a paucity of studies directed at psychiatric genetics and in fact there was only one study by Egeland et al. [1]. whereby an analysis of the segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) in an Old Order Amish population (pedigree) localized a dominant gene linked to a strong predisposition to manic depressive disease to chromosome 11 possibly tyrosine hydroxylase. This finding was retracted in 1989 by Kelsoe et al. [2].
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Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science Editorial Addiction in Anaesthesiologists and its Implications on Anaesthesia The problem of addiction and substance abuse among physicians has been reported as early as 1869 [1]. But, medical community is generally reluctant to accept and report the problem of addiction among health care professionals. Anaesthesiologist by virtue of their work profile and easy accessibility of potentially addicting drugs are at an increased risk of drug addiction. The incidence of abuse is estimated to be around 1% in faculty members and 1.6% of residents in training programs [2]. As high as 1/4th of the medical professionals reported for abuse are anaesthesiologists.
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Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences Case Report Gigant Laryngocele Airway Management Emergent airway obstruction is a dreaded emergency among anesthesiologists. Classically has been managed with awake options, particularly fibreoptic intubation. Laryngoceles, if size and accessibility allows for it, can be evacuated by needle aspiration, postponing definitive management.
Global Journal of Stem Cell Biology and Transplantation , Expectations of Epigenetic Research Studies Focusing on Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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Global Journal of Stem Cell Biology and Transplantation Editorial Expectations of Epigenetic Research Studies Focusing on Mesenchymal Stem Cells Epigenetic alternations are not associated with any changing the base sequence of DNA, but are closely related to phenome together with genome [1]. Most of them are determined differently under various external and internal influences and, even if abnormal, memorized over individual life. In the ontogeny that starts from a totipotent stem cell such as a fertilized egg, the epigenetic alternations occur in good order along with cell differentiation process toward peculiar epigenetic patterns of individual cell series. In contrast, a reverse artificial phenomenon induced by transduction of 4 genes, Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc (induced progenitor and stem cells: iPS cells) is known to accompany with significant abnormalities of DNA methylations, one of the epigenetic regulation mechanisms, fearing pos...
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Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Research Article HDL as a Biomarker of Rejection in Heart Transplant Background: One hundred once patients underwent heart transplants due to multiple causes. These patients included 36 females and 65 males whose mean age was 51 years.
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Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Review Article The Interaction between Metabolic Disease and Ageing Signalling pathways associated with caloric excess and caloric restriction. The interaction between the signalling molecules associated with longevity and their activation or inhibition by exposure to either excess or insufficient calories demonstrates the close links between metabolism and ageing. Key: AMP = adenosine monophosphate; ATP = Adenosine triphosphate IGF = insulin-like growth factor; IRS = insulin receptor substrate; AKT = protein kinase B; mTor = mammalian target of rapamycin; NAD = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; PGC-1α = Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha; s6K1 = ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1; PPAR = peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor.
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Review Article Image-Guided Injections of the Hip 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e- Position of needle and (7a) transducer for (7b) ultrasound guided greater trochanteric bursa) injection. (G-med: gluteus medius muscle, GT- greater trochanter, Gt-b: greater trochanterid bursa) (7c) - Image of inflamed trochanteric bursa in short axis. (7d) - Orientation of transducer in long axis (a) and short axis (b). 7e- Fluoroscopic imaging of right greater trochanter bursogram.
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Research Article Which Pain Rehabilitation Programme Should Patients With Chronic Back Pain Attend? – A Practical Example of a Service Evaluation Based Upon Implementing Research Findings into Clinical Practice Background: To evaluate a service reconfiguration of pain rehabilitation programmes for chronic back pain using three programmes of differing intensity and duration and a clinical algorithm. This study describes the outcomes for each programme for three consecutive cohorts. Method: Non randomised observational study of 120 consecutive patients with chronic pain treated by a Physiotherapy Department of a Specialist Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation hospital. Three different pain rehabilitation programmes each comprising of multidisciplinary rehabilitation with varying intensity and duration of content were compared for clinical and cost efficacy. The main outcomes u...
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Editorial Facilitating Improvements in Interprofessional Pain Management Pain is a global phenomenon in which it has been estimated that 20% of adults and 8% of children suffer from at any one time of whom 10% suffer chronic pain [1,2]. Pain is the leading reason for primary care consultations (80%) and musculoskeletal pain is the commonest reason for work absenteeism [3,4]. Pain is complex and there are aspects that require better recognition and understanding in order to improve its treatment and management.
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Research Article Methods for Avoiding or Reducing High Spinal Loads in Everyday Life Background: High loads on an anterior spinal implant can cause an implant to subside into the vertebral body. This alteration may endanger the clinical output of the treatment and can result in back pain. The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities for avoiding or reducing high spinal loads in daily life. Methods: The loads on a telemeterized vertebral body replacement were measured in 5 patients for a variety of different activities. The effects of the ways an exercise was performed on implant loads were evaluated.
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Research Article Effects of Progressive Muscular Relaxation Combined With Aerobic Continuous Training on Exercise Tolerance, Hemodynamics, and Life Quality in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Purpose: To assess if the addiction of progressive muscular relaxation (PMR) to aerobic continuous training (ACT) is more effective than ACT alone in order to improve exercise tolerance of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods: Thirty CHF patients, age 67±6 years; ejection fraction 34±2. NYHA II-III was enrolled. Fifteen patients were randomized to group 1 and performed PMR and ACT; 15 to group 2 and performed ACT alone. At baseline and after 8 weeks all patients underwent: 6-minute walking test (6 MWT), measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, administration of a quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL-brief). PMR and ACT were performed 3 times/week.
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Short Communication Introducing Competency-Based Education Based on the Roles that Physiotherapists Fulfil Horizontal programming around specific themes throughout the curriculum allowing students to acquire and develop competencies in different situations and contexts.
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Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Research Article Loss of upper Extremity Motor Control and Function affect Women more than Men Recovery of motor control over 12 weeks of upper extremity rehabilitation. Note: The lower two lines and the upper two lines represent patients with poor and good prognoses respectively
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Case Report Vesical Calculi with Utero Cervico Vaginal Prolapse Vesical calculi are not commonly seen with utero vaginal prolapse. Calculi may be missed unless ultrasonography or X-ray is done. If not diagnosed problems can occur during surgery and post operatively. If vesical calculi are removed vaginally during anterior colporrhaphy, it may lead to fistula formation. Suprapubic cystotomy and removal of calculi done during vaginal surgery for genital prolapse seems better option. We present 3 cases which were managed within a span of 6 months with satisfactory results.
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Case Report Primary Amenorrhea: A Müllerian Agenesis Case Report Exploratory laparatomoy revealed bilateral ovarian development, bilateral fallopian tubes, and no uterine structures. An excision of a cyst was performed and confirmed by tissue review to be a paraovarian cyst rather than a uterine horn reminant. Notable structures in this photo include ovaries, fallopian tubes, and colon. No pelvic exam was done at this exam by the general surgeon.
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Case Report Chorea: Secondary to Non-Ketotic Hyperglycemia: A Case Report MRI revealed A)T1 hyperintense signal abnormality and minimal enhancement of the Right putamen.B) Hypointensity in the same region was demonstrated on FLAIR and T2-weighted.
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Editorial Launching Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports During the recent past, the biomedical publishing field has witnessed a decline in the publishing of the case reports by many journals. This trend is not particularly helpful for the medical community at large. The main reason for the above trend is the low citation value of the case reports, which reduces the overall impact factor of the journals. This competition of the journals for journal ranking by the yardstick of impact factor has resulted in many major journals abandoning the due share of space to the case reports. In fact, some reputable journals have even decided not to accept case reports anymore or they have made the criteria of accepting the case reports so strict that no case report finds space there [1-3].
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Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Case Report An Unusual Case of Recurrent Pyocolpos Following Midtrimester Miscarriage Revealed as Obstructed Hemivagina with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis (OHVIRA) Syndrome MRI image depicting uterine didelphys and unilateral pyocolpos.
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Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences Editorial Ultrasound Imaging in Airway Management: A Boon? Airway management is the basic skill acquired and mastered by anesthesiologist and is their prime responsibility. Difficulties in optimal airway management can lead to serious adverse effects and failure can even lead to mortality.
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Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences Clinical Image Conjunctival Pyogenic Granuloma after Strabismus Surgery A 48-year-old man presented with exotropia of his left eye. The alternative prism cover test demonstrated there was 60 prism diopter exotropia. A 9 mm lateral rectus muscle recession and a 7 mm medial rectus muscle resection were performed in his left eye. Approximately one month later, a polypoid, red, smooth-surfaced mass arose from the area overlying the original insertion of lateral rectus muscle (Figure 1A). We diagnosed this mass as pyogenic granuloma. One month after administration with topical corticosteroid drops, this mass was completely resolved (Figure 1B). There was no recurrence during the 2 years after surgery.
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Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences Clinical Image Target (Iris) Lesions of Erythema Multiforme A 21-month old age girl presented with asymptomatic lesions on her right arm of 4 days duration. She denied sore throat, fever and cough and no lesions were found anywhere else including buccal mucosa. She had not taken any medications recently.
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Journal of HIV for Clinical and Scientific Research Editorial Inaugural Issue, Crawling Now but Aimed at Running the Fastest Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causing Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a major public health problem [1]. The rapid extension of HIV is a global health challenge that has both social and economic implications [2].
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Journal of HIV for Clinical and Scientific Research Research Article The Impact of a Holistic Intervention on Self-Efficacy and Risk of Depression in HIV-Infected Individuals in Denmark Background: The epidemiology of HIV should be understood especially with regard to various socio-demographic factors because the most effective approaches for its prevention and control are awareness and life style changes.
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Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Case Report Potential Arrhythmogenic Risk of DDI/DDD Pacing Modes During Atrial Fibrillation A: The picture shows intracardiac EGMs with the onset and the termination of the non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (arrow). B: The enlargement shows the precise mechanism responsible for the development of ventricular tachycardia. A paced atrial beat (red circle) following some undersensed atrial beats, during atrial fibrillation, began a ventricular blanking period; during this time interval, an intrinsic ventricular depolarization occurred and was not detected by the device. So, the following ventricular stimulation (blue circle) was delivered during the vulnerable T-wave of “not-detected” ventricular intrinsic beat triggering a run of ventricular tachycardia.
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Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Case Report Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Implantation of Absorb Bioresorbable Drug-Eluting Stent in Cocaine-Related Acute Coronary Syndrome Coronary angiography revealed a incompletely reversible spasm of the mid segment of left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery (figures 1A and 1B) with normal left circumflex and right coronary arteries. In addition it became evident a linear dissection with slow-flow at the same site. Taking account the vessel size and the age of the patient, it was decided to treat the lesion with the implantation of an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold stent (figures 1C and 1D) with optimal result.
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Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Research Article Effect of Scatter, Attenuation and Resolution Correction on a Pediatric Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Image SPECT image with before and after TEW scatter correction. SPECT images for the evaluation of a uniform phantom with a change in the counts per pixel per projection (from 10to 100 counts / pixel /
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Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Case Report Endovascular Recanalization and Angioplasty of a Lengthy, 25 Years Old Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusion 5 Fr catheter (Glidecath; Terumo©, Tokyo, Japan) were used to create a subintimal dissection plane.
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Global Journal of Anesthesiology Case Report Severe Repeated Hypotension Occurred after Rocuronium Administrations in a Morbidly Obese Patient: A Case Report Rocuronium pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can be influenced by several factors like gender and obesity. We propose a brief report of a patient (59 years old, weight 135 kg, BMI 52.7) who showed three episodes of severe hypotension not responsive to continuous noradrenaline infusion therapy after rocuronium administration (dose 0.6 mg/kg; total dose: 50 mg) not based on her IBW (ideal body weight).
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Global Journal of Anesthesiology Commentary Opioid Antagonists: Will they Solve all of the Problems Associated with Opioid Agonists? Physicians employed in operating and emergency rooms have utilized opioid antagonist for almost half a century for the treatment of opioid overdose. The prototype antagonist remainsnaloxone hydrochloride, which actually received FDA approval back in 1971. Why after so many years on the market is thismedication now being formulated in the form of an easy to use "auto-injector" that was designed for non-medical professionals to be able to utilize at a moment's notice? Could this wonder product, being hailed as the best possible safety tool available for life threatening opioid emergencies actual make hero's out of lay people? [1].
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Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science Review Article A Discussion about Modalities of Smoking Cessation in Perioperative Phase for Addicts: A Review Article Cigarette smoking is a worldwide healthcare problem of modern age. It is a leading cause of death, mainly in male population. Excess deaths among smokers, as compared to non smokers, are chiefly due to tuberculosis and respiratory, cardiovascular or malignant diseases. Smoking significantly increases intraoperative and postoperative complications in a person undergoing surgical procedure. Smoking is menace to people and physicians and cessation of smoking is very much desirable, especially in persons undergoing operative intervention. Smoking cessation prior to the operation has been traditionally advised to be for 6 weeks but such an endeavour may have unwanted consequences because of withdrawal symptoms. Hence it is necessary that smoking cessation is achieved with minimal consequences so tha...
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Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science Editorial Alcohol and Suicide in Eastern Europe Suicide is one of the leading external causes of death in many countries and it burden is expected to be rising [1]. There are a number of possible reasons responsible for this including lessened social integration, increase in psychiatric disorders, alcohol and drug abuse [2,3]. Alcohol consumption and suicides rates in Eastern Europe (EE) are among the highest in the world [4]. In a number of studies using various designs alcohol consumption has been found to be important risk factors of suicide in EE [5-7]. The empirical literature provides evidence of an association between alcohol and suicide at the individual level in many EE nations [8]. Most of the evidence linking excessive drinking and suicide in EE is based on population data. Both longitudinal and cross-sectional aggregate-level studies usually report a significant and posi...
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Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions Editorial Plagiarism and Ethics for Medical and Scientific Researchers It is the responsibility of educators at medical institutions and departments to teach their students about writing ethics and best practices. The principle of good medical writing or scientific writing is a clear, brief, exact, and it should be honest presentation of the scientific ideas. http:
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Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions Research Article The Effects of Maxillary Protrusion on Pharyngeal Airway Dimensions Aim: The relationship between position of the maxillary structures caused by maxillary protraction therapy and airway dimensions has not been investigated as comprehensively as the skeletal changes. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of treatment with a maxillary protraction appliance on upper airway dimensions.