Oxygen-Ozone Treatment in Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Case Report

Global Journal of Anesthesiology
Case Report
The bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) is defined as a drug-adverse reaction that involves the maxillary bones.
It develops during or after a long-term bisphosphonate therapy in absence of radiotherapy [1].
The clinical pattern was described for the first time by Marx RE in 2003, who observed the development of jaws osteonecrosis in patients underwent to Multiple Myeloma and Mammary Cancer therapy [2]. Bisphosphonates (BF) pharmacokinetics consist in the osteoclast
function interruption, angiogenesis inhibition, as well as blocking any cancer cell line activity together with the interruption of signal transduction [3]. In this way the bone regeneration is interrupted and osteonecrosis is more probable.
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