Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy vs. Elective Neck Dissection in Patients with T1/T2 N0 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Matched Pair Analysis

International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science
Research Article
Background: The management of the clinically and radiological negative neck in patients with early squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (HNSCC) is still controversial. As approximately 20 to 30% of these patients harbor occult neck disease, most of them is submitted to elective neck dissection with no benefit in great majority of those cases. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLB) is a potential method for staging of lymphatic metastasis in HNSCC and the status of the sentinel node predicts the presence of metastasis in the remainder of the nodes within the nodal basin.


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