Immunity against Pasteurella multocida in Animals Vaccinated with Inactivated Pasteurella multocida and Herbal Adjuvant 'DIP-HIP'

Journal of Vaccines and Immunology
Research Article
Background: Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is acute, highly contagious form of disease of water buffalo, cattle, and bison caused by Pasteurella multocida (PM). It is considered the most
economically important bacterial disease of cattle and buffalo, .in tropical areas of Asia, particularly in Southeast Asia. PM is a gram-negative coccobacillus, belonging to Pasteurellaceae family. PM is transmitted either during direct contact or via fomites by ingestion or inhalation via contaminated feed and water. Currently, there are no broadly protective vaccines –adjuvant formulation with long-lasting immunity available against HS. Aluminium-based mineral salts such as alum are the only immunologic adjuvants. Herbal adjuvants are evaluated extensively to replace the classical adjuvants being safe and efficacious.


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