Global Journal of Allergy,



Recent Topics in Steroid and Asthma: Beyond the ‘Classic’ Concept of Action,

GCs can have an anti-inflammatory effect and a pro-apoptotic action for disease therapy. Administration of adrenal extracts was first reported to reduce the frequency of exacerbationsof asthma in 1900 [1]. Several steroids were isolated from the adrenal cortex during the 1940s by Edward Kendall. GR was cloned and expressed in 1985 [2]. Clinical trials of inhaled steroid in asthma were started in about 1970 [3,4]. Now, there is widespread use of GCsin patients with bronchial asthma, via oral, intravenous, and especially inhalation routes.However, the complete picture of GC and GR function remains to be elucidated.


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