Global Journal of Allergy, 


Research Article,

Distribution of Sensitizer-Induced Occupational Asthma in R. Macedonia in the Period 2005-2014 by Occupation;

Respiratory diseases rank as the third most prevalent work-related diseases (after ergonomic and stress-related diseases) according to a survey of occupational diseases in the European Union [1]. Work-related asthma (WRA) is the most common work-related lung disease in the last decades, causing significant morbidity, disability and high costs [2]. WRA includes two distinct categories in regard to its pathogenesis and management: occupational asthma (OA) and work-exacerbated (WEA). OA is a form of WRA induced by exposure to airborne dusts, vapors, or fumes in working environment, in subjects with or without pre-existing asthma. WEA is defined as a pre-existing or coincidental new-onset asthma worsened by non-specific factors in the workplace, such as cold and dry air, exertion, dust and fumes [3,4].


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