Journal of Clinical Research and Ophthalmology 

Case Report

Valacyclovir as a Therapeutic Agent in Acute Retinal Necrosis: Two Case Reports

Introduction: Acute retinal necrosis (ARN) is a rare, rapidly progressive viral retinitis. The current standard of care for ARN consists of intravenous acyclovir for 5-10 days, followed by oral acyclovir for an additional 6-12 weeks. Valacyclovir has superior plasma bioavailability to acyclovir as an oral preparation. The aim of this study is to add to the evidence of treating ARN with valacyclovir with 2 additional cases.

Methods: 2 patients diagnosed with ARN received treatment with valacyclovir either as a monotherapy, or in combination with intravenous acyclovir.

Results: All patients had significant improvement in visual acuity within 4 weeks of the initiation of treatment. In the sixth month follow-up none of them developed retinal detachment, which is one of the commonest sight-threatening complications of ARN.

Conclusions: Valacyclovir proved effective at treating retinitis in both patients. The 2 g t.i.d. dose was well tolerated and neither patient developed systemic adverse effects associated with the treatment.


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