
Peertechz is not Predatory Open Access Publisher

Peertechz Publications- A legitimate & Trustable name in scientific journals There are so many scientific journals nowadays, it is understandably challenging for the untrained eye to be able to discern the good ones from the bad ones. Sometimes it’s hard for the well-trained eye too. A major shift in scientific publishing happened in the last decade with the introduction of open access publishing model. The model is a superb way to disseminate the knowledge but it has also given an unfortunate rise of online journals that fall under the category of ‘predatory’ journals. In this ever-increasing crowd of so-called Predatory journals, Peertechz has emerged as an enviable accomplishment in today’s publishing world to fully live every component of its mission for ethical publishing. Peertechz offers an extremely valuable publishing opportunity to authors, and the organization can be termed as a pioneer in non-predatory open access publishing. The issues released by Peertechz journal...

Case Report: Reynolds Syndrome

International Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research Case Report Reynolds et al. described in 1971, 6 patients with classical primary biliary cholangitis, who presented concomitantly with varying degrees of scleroderma. Since then this association has been called Reynolds Syndrome.  #ReynoldsSyndrome#

The prevention and cure research of emergency intervention therapy of balloon occlusion of LAD occurring reperfusion arrhythmia

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Research Aricle Objective: Discussing whether occurs reperfusion malignant ventricular arrhythmia by intravenous injecting metoprolol before the intervention treatment of Left Anterior Descending (LAD) of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and observing the change of heart rate. ...    

Successful treatment of Budd- Chiari Syndrome with Percutaneous transluminal Balloon Angioplasty

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Case Report Introduction: Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is a relatively rare disease in which an obstruction of hepatic venous outfl ow causes intrahepatic venous congestion and portal hypertension.

A Rare Case of Congenital Rubella Syndrome

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Case Report Introduction : Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is a consequence of rubella infection that can occur when the virus is transmitted in utero during maternal primary infection. It still affects 110,000 children around the world.  

Ministernotomy Thymectomy in Mysthania Gravis-Future

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Research Article A thymectomy is the surgical removal of the thymus gland. The thymus has been demonstrated to play a role in the development of MG. It is removed in an effort to improve the weakness caused by MG, and to remove a thymoma if present.About 10% of MG patients have a tumor of the thymus called a thymoma.  

Right atrial thrombus: A new cause of Paroxysmal complete Heart Block

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Case Report We present a patient with a large right atrial (RA) thrombus complicated by paroxysmal complete atrioventricular (AV) block requiring urgent surgery. This is a rare complication of RA thrombi with the potential pathogenesis being direct mechanical insult on the AV node by the thrombus.